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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

The Road to Restoration: Tips for a Successful Fire Cleanup Process

8/30/2023 (Permalink)

Experiencing a fire in your Loveland, CO, home or property can be devastating, but the road to restoration begins with the fire cleanup process. Proper cleanup is crucial for minimizing further damage and setting the stage for successful restoration. In this article, we will explore key considerations and provide valuable tips to help homeowners and property owners navigate the fire cleanup process effectively.

Ensure Safety First

Before starting any fire cleanup activities, prioritize safety. Ensure the property is structurally sound and obtain clearance from the fire department or relevant authorities. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, and goggles to protect yourself during cleanup.

Engage Professional Restoration Services

Consider hiring professional fire restoration experts, such as SERVPRO of Loveland, who specialize in fire cleanup. These professionals have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle the complexities of fire damage, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleanup process

Document the Damage

Before beginning cleanup, document the extent of the fire damage. Take detailed photographs or videos of the affected areas. This documentation will be crucial for insurance claims and working with restoration professionals.

Ventilate the Property

Proper ventilation is essential to remove smoke odor and improve air quality. Open windows and use fans to circulate fresh air. Consider using air purifiers or consult with professionals for advanced smoke odor removal techniques.

Water Damage Mitigation

Water used to extinguish the fire can cause additional damage. Address any water-related issues promptly to prevent mold growth and further structural damage. Consult with restoration professionals to assess and mitigate water damage effectively.

Soot and Smoke Residue Removal

Soot and smoke residue can be challenging to remove, often requiring specialized techniques and cleaning products. Avoid DIY methods that can worsen the damage. Professional restoration services have the expertise to safely and thoroughly remove soot and smoke residue from surfaces and belongings.

Salvaging and Cleaning Belongings

Work with restoration professionals to assess which belongings can be salvaged. They will guide you through the process of cleaning and restoring items such as furniture, clothing, documents, and electronics. Prompt action is crucial for increasing the chances of successful restoration.

Addressing Structural Concerns

Evaluate the structural integrity of your property after a fire. Engage professionals to assess and repair any damage to the foundation, walls, ceilings, and other structural elements. Prompt repairs are essential to ensure safety and prevent further deterioration.

Coordinate with Insurance

Notify your insurance company promptly and provide them with accurate documentation of the damage. Consult with your insurance adjuster to understand the coverage, claims process, and any additional documentation or information required.

The fire cleanup process is a crucial step toward restoring your home or property after a fire. By considering these key factors and following the tips outlined above, you can navigate the road to restoration more effectively. Remember, professional assistance, documentation, and safety measures are all essential components of a successful fire cleanup process. Take the necessary steps, and with time, patience, and expert guidance, you can restore your property and move forward on the path to recovery.

Beyond Flooding: Understanding the Different Types of Storm Damage and How to Prepare

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

When most people think of storm damage, they often imagine heavy rains and flooding. However, storm damage can take many forms and can be caused by a variety of weather conditions.  Preventing storm damage in the first place can save you a lot of time, money, and stress. Some preventative measures include regular property inspections, trimming trees and branches near your property, securing outdoor items, installing storm shutters or impact-resistant windows, and reinforcing your roof. By taking these preventative measures, you can help minimize the risk of storm damage to your property and ensure the safety of your family during severe weather events. Here are some examples of storm damage that don't involve rain flooding.

High winds

Strong winds can cause extensive damage to your property, including roof damage, broken windows, fallen trees, and power outages. It's important to take precautions such as trimming trees, securing outdoor furniture, and boarding up windows to minimize the impact of high winds.


Hail can cause significant damage to your property, including dented roofing, broken windows, and damaged siding. If you notice any signs of hail damage, it's important to address it promptly to prevent further damage.

Lightning strikes

Lightning strikes can cause fires, power surges, and damage to electronics. It's important to have surge protectors and smoke detectors in place to minimize the impact of lightning strikes.


Tornadoes can cause extensive damage to your property, including roof damage, broken windows, and collapsed structures. It's important to have a plan in place for tornadoes, including a designated safe room and emergency supplies.

Extreme temperatures

Extreme temperatures, such as heat waves or cold snaps, can cause damage to your property, including burst pipes and damaged roofs. It's important to take precautions such as insulating pipes and properly ventilating your home to prevent damage from extreme temperatures.

If your property has been affected by storm damage, it's important to take action quickly to minimize the impact and prevent further damage. This may include contacting your insurance company, taking photos of the damage, and making temporary repairs to prevent further damage, such as covering broken windows or tarping a damaged roof. It's also important to prioritize your safety and avoid entering your property if there is any risk of structural damage or electrical hazards. By taking swift action and working with professionals such as insurance adjusters and contractors, you can help get your property back to its pre-damaged state and ensure the safety and comfort of your family.

In conclusion, storm damage can take many forms and can be caused by a variety of weather conditions. By being aware of the potential sources of storm damage and taking preventative measures, you can help minimize the impact of storm damage on your property. It's also important to have a plan in place for emergencies and to stay informed about weather conditions in your area.

Say Goodbye to Mold in Your Shower: A Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners

6/7/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is a common problem in showers and can be harmful to both the structure of the shower. If you are dealing with mold in your shower, it is important to act quickly to prevent it from spreading and causing further damage. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and tricks on how to get rid of mold in a shower.

Identify the source of the moisture

Mold thrives in damp environments, so it is important to identify the source of the moisture in your shower. Leaks in the plumbing, poor ventilation, and improper sealing can all contribute to excess moisture in a shower. Once you have identified the source, you can take steps to address the underlying issue.

Clean the affected area

To remove mold from your shower, start by cleaning the affected area with an appropriate cleaning solution. Use a sponge or brush to scrub the moldy surface. Be sure to wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself while cleaning. Rinse the area thoroughly with water and allow it to dry completely.

Use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide

If you prefer a more natural approach, you can use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to clean mold in your shower. Simply spray the affected area with either solution and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, scrub the area with a brush or sponge and rinse with water.

Prevent future mold growth

To prevent mold from returning to your shower, it is important to keep the area dry and well-ventilated. Run the bathroom fan during and after showers to remove excess moisture from the air. Wipe down the walls and floor of the shower after each use with a squeegee or towel to prevent water from sitting on the surface. Consider using a mold-resistant shower curtain or liner as well.

Call a professional if necessary

If the mold in your shower is extensive or difficult to remove, it may be best to call a professional mold remediation company. A professional can assess the extent of the mold damage and recommend the best course of action. They can also use specialized equipment to remove the mold safely and effectively.

Be proactive about mold prevention

While it is possible to remove mold from your shower, prevention is always the best course of action. Regularly inspect your shower for leaks or signs of moisture and address any issues promptly. Consider installing a dehumidifier in your bathroom to reduce humidity levels. And be sure to use mold-resistant materials when building or remodeling your bathroom.

By being proactive about mold prevention and taking swift action to remove any mold that does appear, you can keep your shower and your bathroom healthy and mold-free. If you have any concerns about mold in your home, be sure to consult with a professional for advice and assistance.

Preventing and Eliminating Shower Mold for a Safe and Healthy Bathroom

In conclusion, mold in a shower can be a frustrating and potentially harmful problem. However, by identifying the source of the moisture, cleaning the affected area, and taking steps to prevent future mold growth, you can get rid of mold in your shower and keep your bathroom safe and healthy for you and your family.

Restoring Safety: The Fire Damage Cleanup Process in Commercial Buildings

4/10/2023 (Permalink)

Commercial buildings are susceptible to fire damage, which can cause significant loss of property and business interruption. Fire damage requires specialized cleanup and restoration services to ensure that the building is safe to occupy again. In this blog, we'll discuss the fire damage cleanup process in commercial buildings and the steps involved in restoring the property to its preloss condition.

Assessing the Damage

The first step in the fire damage cleanup process is to assess the damage. A professional restoration company will conduct a thorough inspection of the building to determine the extent of the damage. This inspection will identify the areas of the building that are affected by fire, smoke, and water damage. The restoration company will also identify the source of the fire and determine the type of fire that occurred.

Removing Debris

The next step in the fire damage cleanup process is to remove all debris from the building. This includes any materials that were damaged by the fire, such as furniture, equipment, and building materials. The restoration company will use specialized equipment to remove debris from the building safely. It's important to remove all debris from the building to prevent further damage and to create a safe environment for the restoration process.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

After the debris is removed, the restoration company will begin the cleaning and sanitizing process. This involves removing smoke, soot, and water damage from the building's surfaces. The restoration company will use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to clean and sanitize the building's walls, floors, and ceilings. This process will remove any traces of smoke and soot, which can cause health problems if left untreated.

Drying and Dehumidifying

After the cleaning and sanitizing process is complete, the restoration company will begin the drying and dehumidifying process. This process involves removing excess moisture from the building's surfaces and air. The restoration company will use specialized equipment, such as dehumidifiers and air movers, to dry the building thoroughly. This step is important to prevent mold growth and further damage to the building's structure.

Restoring the Building

After the building is dry, the restoration company will begin the process of restoring the building. This involves rebuilding damaged areas of the building, such as walls, ceilings, and floors. The restoration company will also replace damaged equipment and materials. The goal of the restoration process is to restore the building to its preloss condition, so it's safe to occupy again.

Final Inspection

Once the restoration process is complete, the restoration company will conduct a final inspection of the building. This inspection will ensure that all areas of the building are restored to their preloss condition. The restoration company will also conduct a final cleaning and sanitizing of the building to ensure that it's safe to occupy again.

The fire damage cleanup process in commercial buildings is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. It's important to hire a professional restoration company to ensure that the building is restored to its preloss condition safely. The restoration process involves assessing the damage, removing debris, cleaning and sanitizing, drying and dehumidifying, restoring the building, and conducting a final inspection. If your commercial building has experienced fire damage, contact a professional restoration company to begin the cleanup and restoration process as soon as possible.

What To Do If The Fire Sprinklers Accidentally Go Off?

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

Fire sprinklers are an important safety feature in many buildings. They are designed to automatically detect and extinguish fires, helping to protect both people and property. However, on rare occasions, sprinkler systems can malfunction, causing the sprinklers to go off accidentally. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to know what to do to minimize the damage and ensure your safety. In this blog post, we will discuss what steps to take if the fire sprinklers go off accidentally.

Step 1: Evacuate the Building

The first and most important step is to evacuate the building immediately. Even if the sprinklers have gone off accidentally, there may still be a fire or other hazardous conditions present. Follow the emergency evacuation procedures for the building and exit as quickly and safely as possible.

Step 2: Call the Fire Department

Once you are safely outside the building, call the fire department to report the incident. Even if there is no fire, it is important to let the professionals handle the situation. They can inspect the building to make sure there are no other hazards present and turn off the sprinkler system.

Step 3: Document the Damage

If possible, document any damage caused by the sprinklers. Take pictures or video of the affected areas and make note of any damage to furniture, electronics, or other items. This documentation may be necessary if you need to file an insurance claim.

Step 4: Contact the Building Owner or Manager

If you are a tenant in the building, contact the building owner or manager to report the incident. They will need to be aware of the situation and may need to coordinate repairs or cleanup efforts.

Step 5: Clean up the Water

Once the sprinklers have been turned off, you will need to clean up any water that has accumulated. Use a wet-dry vacuum or mop to remove as much water as possible, and set up fans or dehumidifiers to help dry out the affected areas. If you are unable to handle the cleanup yourself, contact a professional restoration company to assist you.

Step 6: Prevent Future Accidents

Finally, take steps to prevent future accidents. Have the sprinkler system inspected and serviced regularly to ensure it is functioning properly. Keep flammable materials away from sprinkler heads and make sure the system is not obstructed by furniture or other items.

In conclusion, if the fire sprinklers go off accidentally, it is important to act quickly and safely. Evacuate the building, call the fire department, document any damage, contact the building owner or manager, clean up the water, and take steps to prevent future accidents. By following these steps, you can minimize the damage and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Water Damage Restoration Company

2/20/2023 (Permalink)

If you have water damage in your home or business, it may be tempting to hire the first company that comes along. However, as with any service, there are many factors to consider before hiring anyone. Water damage restoration companies vary widely in quality and experience. Asking the right questions can help ensure that you find the right company for your needs. Before hiring a restoration company, you should ask them these questions.

Are you licensed and insured?

When a water restoration company says they're licensed, they mean it. Licensed companies have been tested by the state and should be able to provide you with a license number that can be verified online. Ask for this information when you call around or receive quotes from several different companies, and make sure that they all have licenses.

A water damage restoration company's insurance is another important consideration. Your belongings are expensive, so make sure that your contractor has adequate coverage in case something goes wrong during the process of cleaning up after your flooded basement or broken pipe burst.

You don't want to work with someone who isn't fully licensed and insured; otherwise, if anything happens on their watch, it could cost you more money than what was originally needed for repairs!

Do you have experience?

Experience is important when it comes to hiring a water damage restoration company. The more experience they have, the more likely they are to be able to handle any situation that comes their way and the better job they will do of restoring your home or business.

Experience also shows that a company is reliable, trustworthy and credible. Successful companies have been around for many years because they produce good results, so choosing one with an established track record shows you’ll get what you pay for.

Are the technicians trained?

The technicians you hire should be highly trained in water damage cleanup and restoration. Good and trustworthy technicians should also have training in mold remediation, fire damage restoration, flood damage restoration, and storm damage restoration.

Make sure that the technicians who are going to be working on your home are certified by the IICRC (International Institute for Certification of Restoration Contractors). This certification ensures that they have been trained properly and will provide a high-quality service when they're done with your repairs.

How long have you been in business?

The length of time a company has been in business can be an indication of its reliability. Ask the potential company how long they have been in business, and if they have been in the industry for as long as you think would be appropriate based on their state's licensing requirements.

Do you work with insurance companies?

It's important to ask whether the company you're considering has experience working through the claims process with insurance companies. Ask them if they take care of the claims process for you as part of their service or if it's something that you will have to deal with yourself.

If you want a smooth process from start to finish, make sure that your water damage restoration company is licensed, and insured, and handles the claims process from start to finish so that they can handle all aspects of the mitigation and restoration process of your home or business.

Do you offer free estimates?

It is important to get an estimate before starting work in order to determine the scope of the damage and ensure that you are getting what you need. However, some companies may try to trick you by giving a high-priced estimate upfront. They might claim that they're offering a "free" estimate and then charge you for it later on.

Estimates should be based on the actual damage—not just guesses about how much it will cost or how long it will take, which could lead to higher fees than necessary. At least three things should factor into these estimates:

How much labor is required? How much equipment is required? How long will this process take?

Do you provide emergency services?

If your home or business is damaged by water, it’s not always possible for you or your family to wait all day for help. You want someone who will come out immediately when you call them about an emergency situation.

How do they handle same-day service?

There are two types of restoration companies: those who provide same-day service and those who don’t. If it's possible that your home or business could be flooded with water at any time, then you might want a company that offers this type of quick response time in case something happens. Some organizations offer on-call services as well—if this sounds like something worth looking into for your needs, make sure that whatever company provides said service is available whenever needed!

Can you provide references from customers that have used your services for water damage repair?

Asking for references can be a great way to learn more about a company and what they do, but it's important that you ask the right questions. Ideally, you should ask for references from previous customers who have used their services. If they're unwilling to provide any, that could be a bad sign. However, if they do provide them or if you know someone who has used their services before and had a positive experience with them, it can give you peace of mind when deciding on which company to hire.

Asking these questions will help ensure that you choose the right water damage removal company.

Remember, water damage restoration is an important process that needs to be handled correctly from start to finish. While it may seem like a lot of questions, these are all important things to consider when hiring a water damage restoration company. Asking these questions will help ensure that you choose the right water damage removal company.

How to Create a Fire Escape Plan For Your Business

12/12/2022 (Permalink)

Creating a Fire Escape Plan for Your Business

Fire safety is an important part of running a business and having a fire escape plan in place can help you to prevent fires and reduce the impact if one does occur. By following these steps, your business will be able to create a fire escape plan that meets legal requirements and keeps people safe in the event of an emergency.

Know the Layout of Your Building

The first step to creating a fire escape plan is to know the layout of your building. For example, do you know where your fire extinguishers are located? Do you know how to use them in case of an emergency? Are there any other safety measures in place, such as sprinklers or alarms, that would help alert you if a fire broke out? Knowing these details can help guide your evacuation route and prepare you for what may come.

Practice Your Evacuation Plan Regularly

Talk through potential emergencies with employees. You should have a meeting with all of your employees. At this meeting, discuss what to do if there is a fire and what everyone needs to do if they are trapped in a room. Make sure that everyone knows how to use the available fire extinguishers, too.

You should practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year, and more often if your business requires it. If you are required by law to have a fire drill, you'll need to make sure all employees know what's expected of them during the drill. You may also want to consider conducting drills with more than one employee present, so they can all practice working together in an emergency situation.

If you don't have any legal requirements for fire drills, but still want to conduct them more frequently than twice a year (as we strongly recommend), ensure that everyone knows why they're taking part in these exercises and how they can help avoid putting themselves or others at risk when an actual emergency occurs.

Take Note of Fire Hazards

It's important to keep an eye out for fire hazards. Fire hazards include combustible materials—wood, paper, plastics, and fabrics—as well as electrical equipment like extension cords, lighting fixtures and outlets. Heating appliances such as space heaters, steam irons and coffee pots are also potential sources of fire.

Fire hazards can be prevented by using the right type of material or equipment in your business. For example:

  • Use fire-resistant materials instead of those that are flammable
  • Check to see if your wall outlets are properly grounded before plugging electrical devices into them. If they're not properly grounded, they could cause sparking that could result in a fire or shock hazard when plugged into an outlet with a faulty ground connection.

Make the Plan Easily Accessible

Post evacuation routes and floor plans where they can be seen. Make sure that emergency evacuation plans are posted in visible places and clearly marked so that everyone knows how to get out of the building. This includes posting an up-to-date version of your emergency procedures, which should include instructions on what to do in an emergency, where all exits are located, how to find a fire extinguisher if one is needed, etc.

Share information with employees regularly--not just when there's an incident! While it's true that businesses should train their workers on what steps they need to take during an actual incident (such as when someone passes out from smoke inhalation), it's also wise for employers to share this information with employees regularly. 

Keep fire extinguishers on-site and know how to use them

Fire extinguishers are your first line of defense in the event of a fire. They should be kept on hand and easily accessible at all times. If you have multiple exits, make sure there is an extinguisher near each one.

If you have more than one type of fire extinguisher on-site, know how to use them. 

Class A fires involve paper products, such as books or cardboard boxes. Use water or dry chemical to put out these fires.

Class B fires involve flammable liquids like gasoline or solvents that are stored in their containers for immediate use. Use water or foam to put out these fires (foam will expand over time so it's ideal for this situation). It's important not to let the fumes from Class Bs build up too much before extinguishing them; otherwise they can explode!

Class C fires involve electrical equipment such as televisions and computers—and believe us when we say that no one wants those things exploding in their office space! When dealing with this type of burn hazard, unplug any nearby equipment immediately (if possible) and then turn off power at its source if there isn't an easy way around doing so without touching exposed wires directly yourself first; once all electricity has been cut off safely without risk involved then proceed with using foam instead because it won't conduct electricity like water would do so quickly put out those flames before they spread further throughout your workspace environment where they might damage other objects nearby.

In summary, fire safety is of paramount importance. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your employees are safe and prepared in the event of an emergency. By following this guide and creating a fire escape plan with your team today, you can ensure greater peace of mind tomorrow.

Content Cleaning After a Water Loss

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

How To Clean Up After a Water Loss 

The aftermath of a water loss can be devastating. You might not know where to start, but don’t worry, we’re here to help! If you need professional help in cleaning and restoring your Loveland, CO home after an unexpected flood or burst pipe, our team of restoration experts is ready for the call. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to clean up after a water loss and some steps you can take before calling a professional.

Separate Items

The first step in the process is to separate damaged items from non-damaged ones. Damaged items should be placed in a pile for further cleaning and drying, while non-damaged ones can be returned to their proper places.

If you do not know whether an item is damaged, use the "five-foot rule": if you can't tell whether something is damaged when it is five feet away, then it's probably safe to assume that it is not damaged by the flood water itself.

Contact Insurance

When you contact your insurance company, ask how the damage should be cleaned up. Your policy might require that you contract a professional to clean up the water and dry out your home before filing a claim. If you are unsure of what is covered in your policy, call or email your agent or company representative and ask them directly if they will cover any of the costs associated with cleaning up after a flood.

Drying Takes Time

It is important to understand that the drying process takes time. The amount of time it takes depends on many factors, including:

  • How much water was in the building before you came in
  • How quickly you get rid of the water
  • How humid and cold it was outside during and after your clean up

Cleaning and Sanitizing

Clean and sanitize the area. Use a disinfectant or cleaning solution to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the area. After you're done using a disinfectant, rinse it off with water and wipe down the area with a clean cloth to dry it completely.

Dry the area completely. Dehumidifiers can help speed up this process by pulling moisture out of the air (but don't use them if they get too hot!). Fans are another option for drying out your home after a flood; just be sure not to use them in an enclosed space like an attic or crawlspace since they could spread mold spores throughout your house.

Check for mold and mildew growth and treat accordingly!

Call SERVPRO of Loveland

After a water loss, you should call in the professionals at SERVPRO to help you mitigate and restore your home or business. There are several reasons why this is so important:

  • You could make the situation worse by trying to clean up the mess yourself.
  • Vacuuming can spread water damage, so it's not recommended.
  • A wet/dry vacuum could also spread contamination because they have no filters that trap dirt and debris as regular vacuums do.
  • Hair dryers shouldn't be used either because they use heat that could cause damage to your belongings.

If you have experienced a water loss, SERVPRO of Loveland can help. SERVPRO of Loveland has the equipment and expertise to respond quickly and thoroughly clean your property after water damage.

SERVPRO of Loveland professional cleaners remove mold and mildew from your home or business. They will also ensure that any structural repairs are done by professionals, such as a drywall contractor or electrician. The team at SERVPRO of Loveland understands that the effects of water damage can be devastating for families, so they try their best to mitigate the impact on your life as much as possible by providing assistance through insurance companies and helping in any way possible until everything is back to normal again.

There are many factors to consider when trying to restore your home after a water loss. The most important thing is that you work with an experienced restoration company that understands your needs. They will be able to help you restore your belongings, clean up the damage and make sure everything goes back together in exactly the right way so you can get back on track quickly.

Fire Prevention Tips for Businesses

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Keep Your Business Safe

In the event of a fire, it's important to be prepared. Here are some simple things you can do to keep your business safe:

1. Install and regularly inspect smoke detectors.

To have a functioning smoke detector in every room, hallway and stairwell, install them on the ceiling or wall 5 to 7 feet above the floor. Test your smoke detectors monthly by pushing the test button. Replace batteries annually and replace the smoke detector every 10 years (or sooner if they don't work properly).

If there's ever an issue with your smoke detectors, take action immediately by contacting a professional or replacing them altogether.

2. Keep and regularly test your fire extinguishers.

It is important to regularly test your fire extinguisher. Most fire extinguishers should be tested once a month and replaced after 10 years, but you should consult with the manufacturer to see what their specific recommendations are. Each time you test the fire extinguisher, follow these steps:

  • Check that the pressure gauge reads between 40-60 PSI (pounds per square inch). If it doesn't then replace it immediately.
  • Pull out the safety pin (if there is one).
  • Pull out the handle while holding down on top of the canister so no air escapes until foam sprays out of all nozzles at least 1 second later. Wait 30 seconds before re-pressurizing with air or nitrogen gas if there is an onboard valve available for this purpose; otherwise hold down on top of the canister again until foam comes out again and release pressure slowly after waiting 30 seconds again even if not re-pressurizing (this step does not apply to CO2 based systems).

3. Schedule fire drills with your employees.

Schedule fire drills with your employees. It’s important to have an emergency plan in place and refresh it every six months. Fire drills should be timed to coincide with business hours, so everyone can participate if they need to evacuate. The best way to ensure that all staff members are able to participate is by holding fire drills at off-peak times, such as early morning or late evening when most people are not present. This will also minimize any disruption of your customer's/patients' experiences at your organization.

Another key element of a successful drill is making sure that your staff knows where the exits are located and how far away they are from each other.

4. Maintain an evacuation map in an easily accessible place (near the front door).

The map should include escape routes and the nearest fire extinguishers. It should also be updated regularly to reflect changes to your business and employees’ routines. Keep in mind that if you have more than one floor, you may need to use alternative escape routes if your primary way out is blocked by fire or smoke.

5. Keep emergency numbers on hand.

Write down the numbers of your local fire department and your local police department. Keep the list on hand, in a place where you can easily access it if needed. If you're out of town, keep this list with you so that anyone who needs to report a fire or call for help can do so without having to look up numbers online.

If you take these steps, you can protect your business and your employees from fire. Many of the tips we’ve discussed here help keep your employees safe, but they also make it easier for them to help you in an emergency. By keeping fire extinguishers in good condition and testing them regularly, for example, everyone will be familiar with where they are located should there ever be an emergency. In addition to having an evacuation map available near the front door of your building (along with other important info like emergency numbers), it’s also important for employees to know how to use them properly so that their efforts don’t end up doing more harm than good.

Protect Your Building's Wood Flooring From Water Damage

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

wall  and wooden floor suffered water and mold damage Water damage in Loveland, CO

After you've spent a lot of money installing new flooring in the office area of your building, you want to protect it from damage caused by a pipe burst or other water troubles. While you can't eliminate every potential problem, there are some proactive plans that will mitigate the risks.

Tips to Protect Your Office's Wood Flooring

Water is the number one enemy of wood. If the spill is small, you may be able to tackle the problem yourself. If there is flooding, however, you should call a water damage restoration service right away to assess the damage and develop a restoration plan. Listed below are some tips to protect your wood floor from water damage.

Never leave wet materials on the flooring. Wet shoes and clothing can quickly leave a white stain that is hard to remove. If the flooring gets wet, blot up the water immediately with a clean rag or dry towel. After that, place a fan directly on the area to ensure it completely dries.
Inspect the plumbing frequently. A small leak can turn into a pipe burst, so it's critical to look for any signs of wear or small cracks on a routine basis. Add this check to your maintenance staff's inspection checklist.
Protect your flooring from outside influences. During the humid summer months in Loveland, CO, you are more likely to have a wet floor in your building. Installing a dehumidifier, along with using the air conditioning, will keep moisture out of the air.

Suggestions for Cleaning Hardwood Floors
Before using a cleaner on your floors, vacuum the area thoroughly to remove all dust and dirt. Make sure to use a high-quality cleaning product that is specifically designed for hardwood floors, and follow the directions on the bottle carefully.
Reduce the risk of water damage from a pipe burst or other water event by implementing some simple procedures.

Top 5 FAQs About Mold

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

Five Most Common Mold Questions

Black mold and other types of residential fungi are extremely common issues that many homeowners must face at some point. Even so, many homeowners know very little about resolving a mold issue. If your home in Loveland, CO, is suffering from a mold problem, consider studying the following frequently asked questions regarding mold.

1. What Causes Mold Growth?

Mold thrives in dark, damp environments and is most likely the result of a moisture problem in your home.

2. Where Does Mold Usually Grow?

Any area in your home that comes into frequent contact with water is likely to experience mold growth. This includes your bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, basement and garage.

3. Does Mold Go Away By Itself?

Black mold is a living organism, so it's natural to assume that it could die off on its own if deprived of its vital nutrients. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. Depriving mold of moisture and nutrients may temporarily prevent it from spreading, but it will not make it go away.

4. Are There Any Effective Home Remedies?

Contacting professionals is always the recommended course of action, but you might be able to resolve small issues using DIY mold cleanup methods. An equal parts mixture of white vinegar and water is usually effective in cleaning surface mold.

5. How Can You Prevent Mold?

Keeping your home as clean and dry as possible is the best way to prevent unwanted mold growth. This involves cleaning and drying any spills immediately after they occur, properly ventilating your bathroom while showering or bathing and carefully monitoring indoor humidity levels. Performing routine mold inspections can also help you stay on top of any potential issues.

Black mold might be a common residential issue, but that doesn't mean you still shouldn't take it seriously. If you discover any mold growth during your next routine mold inspection, you need to contact mold remediation experts at SERVPRO as soon as possible.

Heavy Smoke Damage Remediation Is Only Effective When Handled Professionally

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

Heavy Smoke Damage Remediation Is Only Successful When Done Professionally

One of the most difficult parts of a fire cleanup is a full-scale smoke cleaning throughout a home. Smoke is insidious – it gets into every nook and cranny, coating everything it touches with a nasty, oily residue.

A small fire, like when a candle touches a tablecloth and is put out quickly, probably can be handled by the homeowner. A little baking soda in water will strip away the light film.

However, once the damage has spread beyond a single room – or if it’s heavy in that room – you’ll need professional equipment for a quality smoke cleaning. Residential fires produce toxic materials in the smoke, including from items such as

  • Plastics
  • Electronics
  • Treated wood
  • Foam and bedding
  • Synthetic fibers

A Royal Mess

Smoke from a house fire is disgusting. Humans may have a small amount of resistance to natural wood smoke, having lived around it for as many as 1 million years. But modern houses use a wide variety of chemicals and building materials that we’re not used to. Additionally, inside every house is a huge variety of personal property, and all will leach some toxins into the air while burning.

Cleanup of the Smoke Odor Is Tricky

Soot is caused by incomplete combustion of a material. Oily residue is also produced, combining with the soot to produce a sticky, abrasive goo. It latches on to everything, but porous material is especially tenacious.

There is no effective way a homeowner can clean up this level of smoke damage. It requires professional techniques and specialized equipment, including

  • Air filtration devices
  • Thermal foggers
  • Ozone machines
  • Industrial solvents

TSP used to be the leading way to perform a smoke cleaning, but real TSP is no longer available, and the substitute isn’t up to professional standards. Your local experts in smoke remediation use sanitizers recommended by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification to strip away the stench and absorb toxic soot. The damage is usually covered by insurance, and the restoration company will work with you and your insurance agent to ensure your home is returned to its former condition.

4 Tips To Avoid Fires While Grilling

7/30/2022 (Permalink)

Stay Safe When Using Your Grill

Most people in Loveland, CO, enjoy getting together for a cookout: It’s hard to beat the smell of meat cooking on the grill. Nothing ruins a backyard barbeque faster than a grill fire. These four tips will help you stay safe when using your grill.

1. Use Proper Grill Placement
Only use gas or charcoal grills outdoors, never in the garage, in an enclosed patio, or under a cloth awning. Place the grill at least four feet away from the house, fence, and other structures. Check for any low-hanging tree limbs or branches overhead. Be sure the grill is level and stable.

2. Watch for Flare-Ups
Keeping a close eye on the grill while food is cooking is important to make sure you don’t ruin your food, but it can also help you prevent a barbeque fire. Flare-ups can get out of hand quickly, and an unattended grill is a tempting target for children and pets.

3. Keep Your Grill Clean
Cooking on a dirty grill increases your risk of a grill fire. The fat and grease in your grill’s drip tray or grease cup can easily ignite. This kind of grease fire is notoriously difficult to put out and can cause serious smoke damage to your house and surrounding areas. After cooking, wait for the grill to cool, and then clean the grates and drip the pan.

4. Be Prepared
Fire safety experts report that most people who cook on a grill do not keep anything nearby to extinguish potential grill-related fires. Always keep some baking soda on hand to smother a grease fire and have a fire extinguisher nearby that you can access quickly if necessary. Never use water on a grease fire!
A grill fire can ruin more than your cookout. Smoke damage to your home could require lengthy fire restoration work. Worse, grill-related fires can easily become structure fires. Follow these tips to stay safe when using your grill.

Can Solar Panels Withstand a Storm?

7/20/2022 (Permalink)

Are Solar Panels Storm-Resilient?

If you are considering installing solar panels on your home, you may be concerned about the potential for panel damage caused by severe storms. Fortunately, most panels hold up well to storm damage.

Hail Damage
Large hail can cause roof damage and may be a concern for many homeowners who have installed solar power equipment. However, the panels are considered generally safe for several reasons:

A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory determined that the probability of a solar panel being damaged by hail is below .05%.
Manufacturers test their panels to ensure they can withstand extreme weather conditions.
Panels have been designed to absorb the impact of large hailstones without incurring damage.

Anything attached to a home in an area that experiences hurricanes need to be able to withstand high winds. Most solar panels have been tested to ensure that they can withstand winds up to 140 miles per hour without suffering panel damage. If you live in an area that experiences hurricanes, check with the manufacturer of your panels to determine whether they have been tested to withstand high winds.

Rain that enters homes due to damage caused by storms can create a lot of damage and require the services of a water mitigation company in Loveland, CO. However, not only are most panels resistant to leaks, they often work more efficiently after a rainstorm because the rain washes away dirt, dust, and pollen that may accumulate on the panels.
Solar panel manufacturers know their products are designed to be used in environments where they will face frequent exposure to high winds, rain, and other extreme weather conditions. As a result, most solar panels are manufactured and tested to ensure they can withstand these conditions without suffering panel damage. Check with the manufacturer if you have any concerns about the ability of your panels to withstand weather conditions in your area before installing your panels.

3 Ways To Prevent Mold Growth

7/15/2022 (Permalink)

3 Ways To Prevent Mold Growth

If your commercial building in Loveland, CO, has experienced any kind of flood or water damage, your building is susceptible to mold. This is because mold thrives in moisture, coming from excess water in your building or high humidity. It is especially likely to grow on building materials or porous surfaces like carpets. Thankfully, there are some mold prevention tactics you can use to limit the growth of mold in your facility.

1. Mitigate Damages As Soon As Possible
If you have a plumbing issue, leak, or flood, it's important to mitigate damages and get rid of any excess water. If your commercial building experiences a pipe burst or natural disaster, call in professionals to help you mitigate damages quickly. In the meantime, if possible, try to stop the source of water and get rid of any standing water. Mitigating damages is the easiest way to prevent mold, as mold can grow as quickly as within 24 to 48 hours.

2. Get Rid of Any Excess Moisture
Whether from excess water or high humidity, moisture is one of the easiest ways to acquire mold. The most important mold prevention measure is getting rid of any excess moisture, which will stop mold before it begins to grow. A restoration company can pump out any standing water. They may bring air movers or fans to promote drying, but you can also rent these from an equipment rental company. Be sure to get porous surfaces like carpets or rugs professionally dry cleaned. If your problem is related to humidity, use a dehumidifier, and keep humidity levels under 60%.

3. Start With the Right Materials
Many materials, such as plant fibers, can increase your chances of mold growth. If you are in an area that is high risk for mold, consider using building materials that are mold-resistant.
Mold prevention can help stop mold before it begins to grow. However, if your commercial building does have mold, call in a mold restoration company to help you mitigate damages.

It Is Time To Replace Those Polybutylene Pipes

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

Are you aware of what plumbing material your property has? As a business owner in Loveland, CO, you need to find out. Depending on the age of the building, it may have polybutylene pipes. Below, you will learn what this piping is, why you need to replace it, and what hazards develop if you don’t. 

What Are Polybutylene Pipes?

Between the 1970s and the 1990s, this inexpensive plastic piping was installed in millions of properties because it was easy to install, freeze-resistant, and flexible. Unfortunately, reports of property damage emerged due to a major flaw in the material: it is not durable. The material is vulnerable to chemicals, like chlorine, routinely used in water treatment systems, which leads to fractures, cracks, holes, and ruptures. 

What Are Important Considerations For New Plumbing?
The following is a list of reasons to replace the plumbing now before it becomes a problem:

  • It will fail and require replacement eventually.
  • Property damage from faulty plumbing can be expensive and extensive.
  • Many insurance companies don’t cover polybutylene piping.
  • United States building codes don’t recognize this type of piping.

What Happens If You Don’t Replace It?
If you haven’t already, you will incur water damage from cracking and failing pipes, wreaking havoc in your building. Plumbing runs through the ceilings, walls, and flooring; structural damage can be all-encompassing. Leaking or burst pipes can cause floors to warp, wood to break down and rot, drywall to weaken, and mold to grow and spread. 
If your building has suffered a rupture or flood already, immediately contact water restoration specialists. They will assess the damage and begin cleaning and restoring the property damage to maintain the integrity of your building. It is important to begin restoration quickly, yet you still need to contact a plumbing company to address the root cause of faulty piping. 
It may seem like a hefty undertaking, but refitting a building’s plumbing system will save you time and money before an emergency strikes. Replacing the faulty piping will reestablish your property’s reliability and stability for decades to come.

3 Keys for Taking Care of Your Sump Pump

6/19/2022 (Permalink)

Three Tips for Maintaining Your Sump Pump

If your home in Loveland, CO, faces a water emergency it is good to have a working sump pump on hand. These devices can clear away hundreds of gallons of water in a short time, preventing water from flowing into vulnerable areas that have carpeting, furniture and other items. Of course, the unit won't be much help if it doesn't work when you need it. To avoid this, take a few simple actions before it is too late.

1. Read the Owner's Manual
Each pump is a little different, so taking a look at the manual is never wasted time. It should cover the essential elements of pump maintenance, such as replacing backup batteries and other components promptly. It will also cover safety concerns, including always using a quality cord and ensuring the unit is plugged into a working ground fault circuit interrupter outlet.

2. Check the Sump Pump Intake and Outtake
Home pumps are not overly complicated. They need the power to operate and suck water in and discharge it to another location. Make sure there is no material impeding this central function. If the pump does fail and water does overflow, you should consider calling a nearby water mitigation company. Trained technicians will arrive shortly and remove any standing water, dry out your home and address any other concerns.

3. Test the Device
By pouring in some water in the proximity of the pump, you can observe if it is working properly. The rising water should lift a float that activates the pump and then you should hear the sound of the unit at work. Water should flow freely through the device. If it doesn't, check to make sure the discharge pipe and vent hole are free of obstructions.
A sump pump is a good insurance against water damage. A few simple steps will make sure it operates as intended.

4 Steps To Take When Cleaning Your Grill

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

Grill Maintenance

When the weather starts to warm up, you might dream about breaking out the grill and firing it up for parties at your Loveland, CO, home. However, if you don't follow a few cleaning tips, your grill might not be safe to use. Fire mitigation experts recommend yearly grill maintenance to keep it in great shape and reduce the chance of grease fires. Here are three steps to take when cleaning your grill. 

1. Gather Your Grill Cleaning Materials
Before you start cleaning, you want to gather everything you need to clean your cooker. You'll need a large container to hold water and cleaning solution, a stiff wire brush, a sponge and some stainless steel polish. 

2. Clean the Grate
Before taking the grate out of the grill, scrub it well with your wire brush to ensure you get any food particles off and help remove any built-up charred material. Then, fill your container with some hot water and dish soap and allow the grate to soak for a half-hour. Once it is done soaking, scrub it clean with a sponge. Rinse the grate well and set it aside to dry while you do the rest of the grill cleaning.

3. Wash the Inside
If you have a charcoal grill, empty any old briquettes into a metal container. If you have a gas grill, remove any hoods or grease trays. Vacuum the inside of the grill to remove all charcoal dust or lingering food bits. Thoroughly clean every surface of the inside of the grill with a wet sponge and a powerful cleaning agent. Pay special attention to any built-up grease spots that could cause a grease fire if left alone. 

4. Polish the Outside
The final step of the grill cleaning process is polishing the outside. You want the outside to look just as good as the inside. Be mindful of areas around knobs or hookups where dirt might linger. If you don't have a stainless steel grill, use your sponge and cleaning solution to clean the outside of your grill. 
Keeping your grill cleaned and in tiptop shape extends the life of your grill and helps keep your family safe from dangerous grease fires. 

3 Tips for Avoiding Mold Growth

5/25/2022 (Permalink)

Avoid Mold Growth In Your Business

Does your building in Loveland, CO, have a mold problem? Mold spores are everywhere; they float in the air, waiting for a suitable environment to grow. The trick is to not allow any spaces for mold growth, and most business owners know that this can be a struggle. There are, however, some tips that can help you with the process.

1. Air Duct Cleaning
Mold truly does wait to grow wherever and whenever it can. The whole purpose of air ducts in your building is to circulate air. This is great for the comfort of your employees or temperature regulation of your products, but it also means that spores are circulated everywhere as well. The best way to prevent this is to have the ducts cleaned regularly.

2. Carpet Sanitation
Carpet is a luxury that makes any building more welcoming and cozier. Unfortunately, it's also a breeding ground for mold. Carpet cleaning can help prevent mold growth in many ways. If any moisture gets spilled on the carpet, cleaning removes the liquid and sanitizes the area, preventing any mold problems. It's always best to have your carpets sanitized by licensed mold removal and cleanup professional. These experts come equipped with all the tools needed to get the job done efficiently and effectively. They also use special equipment to detect any hidden growth of mold behind walls. Similar tools are used to find moisture pockets in your ceilings and roof.

3. Preventative Tools
Surprisingly, providing objects such as floor mats and other everyday cleanliness items drastically reduces mold issues. It also saves you money. Carpet cleaning is not as urgent if employees have somewhere to wipe their feet; you'd be surprised how much mold is tracked in from outside foot traffic.
Carpet cleaning and other given tips can help you be more prepared to stop mold growth before it happens.

3 Ways Smoke Can Damage Your Commercial Building

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

Dark office, office damaged by fire Fire damage in Loveland, CO.

Kinds of Issues Smoke Cause To Your Business

When a fire rips through your Loveland, CO, business, you may be facing more than charred walls and ruined wiring. Smoke damage can also cause a variety of problems, some of which are not always immediately evident. Learning about the kinds of issues smoke can cause to your business may help you feel more confident during the cleaning and restoration process. 

1. Porous Surfaces Absorb Smoke 
During a fire, porous surfaces, such as drywall and fabrics, can absorb smoke. When this happens, items retain the bitter, smoky odor, which can linger for months inside your business. Removing and replacing wall sections, draperies and furniture and restoring flooring can prevent odors from lingering. 

2. Smoke Damage Includes Staining 
A fire at your business can leave more than ash and soot damage behind. Trapped smoke can oxidize some surfaces, such as those that are treated or painted, including glass. This can cause staining and discoloration that cannot be cleaned away with everyday cleansers. A smoke cleaning and restoration service can assist you by removing these stains with specialized equipment. 

3. Smoke Can Harm Electronics 
Computers, printers and service machines can all take on considerable damage during a fire. Even those that do not appear affected may have internal smoke damage, such as the oxidization of wiring and chips. Smoke has a high acidity factor and may eventually cause malfunctions in your business electronics. This type of damage is not always apparent right away, which might make the use of smoke-affected electronics potentially dangerous for your employees. 
The aftermath of a fire at your Loveland, CO, business can leave you facing many different types of damage, including problems caused by smoke. Knowing how to spot the signs of damage and when to call for help can prevent a lengthy work stoppage and give you confidence when it comes to reopening your business. 

Are You At Risk for Flood Damage? Here's How To Prepare

5/11/2022 (Permalink)

Steps To Prevent Flood Damage In Your Home

As a homeowner in Loveland, CO, you have a crucial role to play in preventing flood risk. Many people are not aware that most homeowners' insurance policies do not cover damage from floods. Because of this, you must take preventative steps to prevent flood damage in your home and ensure you have adequate insurance coverage, such as a FEMA NFIP policy.

What Does a Homeowners' Insurance Policy Cover?

A typical home insurance policy covers water damage if it is sudden and accidental. Examples include:

  • A pipe bursts, soaking and warping your wood floor.
  • Your water heater breaks and sprays the surrounding drywall with water.
  • During a thunderstorm, a limb falls on your roof, tearing a hole and letting rain in the house.

However, you need separate insurance for flooding damage. Home insurance does not cover an overflowing sewer drain on your property, a swollen riverbank, and poorly maintained pipes that corrode and leak.

Should You Get FEMA NFIP Flood Insurance?
You can check a flood map on FEMA's website to determine if you live in an area at high risk of flooding. If you do, it's a good idea to take out a flood insurance policy.
The FEMA National Flood Insurance Program is a federally-backed flood insurance program. It is available through private insurers to communities and states that enforce and adopt flood-plain management regulations. Call your agent to learn more or visit the FEMA website.

How Can You Prevent Flood Damage?
Some steps FEMA recommends to protect your home include:

  • Raising it above the base flood elevation
  • Installing a sump pump
  • Sealing your basement walls
  • Using flood-resistant drywall and insulation
  • Installing flood vents in enclosed places, such as garages and foundation walls

Sometimes, even the best preparation doesn't prevent damage. If you experience a flood, you can call a professional restoration company to help with remediation.
Flooding can do a lot of damage, but fortunately, you have ways to deal with it. Consult your insurance agent about obtaining a FEMA NFIP policy to protect your home.

What It Takes To Become a Preferred Vendor for Insurance

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

Technician mopping a store Highly-trained specialists arrive Faster to Any Size Disaster.

When disaster strikes, you have a number of trusted people and companies you can depend upon for help. Your insurance agent is one person who will provide you with information and assistance in a time of need. The agent will inform you on what your coverages are for fire, storm, water, and other types of damage to your commercial building in Loveland, CO. One way to make things easier for you is to choose a professional restoration company that works closely with your insurance company. This saves you the hassle of having to coordinate paperwork and claims between the two entities.

The Preferred Vendor Program

It is not surprising that your insurance company prefers working with certain remediation franchises. This makes things easier on everyone, and also is likely to result in fast and accurate claim payments. An insurance agent looks for a company that has the following characteristics:

  • Professional
  • Efficient
  • Knowledgeable
  • Experienced
  • Certified
  • Trained

Your agent knows that a SERVPRO franchise has all of the above. Highly-trained specialists arrive Faster to Any Size disaster and they work quickly and safely. These experts have the capability to limit damages and expenses through their actions. Whether the disaster is large or small, a crew will arrive at your facility to improve the situation.

The Importance of High Standards

Working with a company that has extensive performance guidelines benefits you and your insurance company. These include such best practices as background checks for employees and work certifications. Restoration workers also follow validation from industry organizations in such areas as proper equipment utilization and cleanup techniques. Finally, the company will record and track the entire process of restoring your company to its original state.
All of this makes things easy for your insurance agent. A Claims Information Center is devoted to keeping track of all aspects of a job. This results in a complete and comprehensive restoration as well as a seamless claims process.

Storm Damage Is Far More Than Flooding

4/14/2022 (Permalink)

Ceiling collapsed, debris on the floor Storm damage in Loveland, CO

Flooding Isn't the Only Problem Storms Cause

Major storm systems pose a serious flood damage threat to commercial buildings in Loveland, CO. Rising waters can devastate the foundation, valuables and overall structure, leaving proprietors with a great deal of sogginess. Owners, though, should be aware that storms have other hazardous impacts that demand attention. To minimize concerns, know the answers to the following three questions.

1. What Other Factors Should Owners Prepare For?
Storm damage is a broader category than flood trouble. A hurricane or thunderstorm can have intense wind speeds, capable of harming the roof and turning minor objects into projectiles. Roof shingles may be ruined, exposing the roofing to moisture. This isn't considered flood but water damage. Hail can also occur, creating bumps and holes in the roof.
Furthermore, external items such as furniture, branches or trees can slam into the walls, windows and doors, breaking glass and exposing the room.

2. What Exactly Falls Into Flood Damage?
As the rain pounds down, waters rise, possibly overflowing external bodies of water. Rivers, oceans and the sewer system all dangerous, pouring category three fluid into the premises. Floodwaters such as these can ruin property. The source of the exposure must come from the rise in the water and not the storm itself. Insurance companies examine these case-by-case. Storm complications leading to saturation would not fall under this category.

3. How Should Owners Handle These Events?
When flooding happens (whether it's storm-related or not), commercial owners should turn to professionals at a water and storm restoration company. These certified experts examine the space, test the walls and air and initiate mitigation efforts immediately. This phase is essential to ensure that excess fluid doesn't spawn mold and mildew growth and prepare an appropriate sanitation plan.
What may seem like flood damage might not be. If the water comes from the roof or a structural breach, it's likely to fall into the storm zone. Either way, it's important to act quickly to reduce secondary complications.

4 Things You Need To Know About Mold

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on wooden structure Mold damage in Loveland, CO.

Mold: Four Things You Should Know

If you spot suspicious green or black dots on the walls or ceilings of your building, do not ignore them. There is a good chance those fuzzy spots are evidence of mold growth. If left untreated, the fungus can spread quickly and cause serious damage to your business in Loveland, CO. Mold should always be treated and removed immediately to avoid costly damage and repairs.
Here are four things you should know about mold.

1. Mold Can Spread Quickly

Mold is a fungus and can grow on many surfaces, including wood, drywall, and carpet. Once its microscopic spores enter your building and land on a damp surface, the mold will begin to grow and colonize. Depending on your building's moisture level, type of surface and temperature, the infestation can begin to develop within 24-48 hours and can cause problems throughout the entire building within a matter of days.

2. Mold Loves Moisture

High humidity and warm temperatures create a perfect environment for growth, making basements and bathrooms common areas for the fungus to form. Keep these areas well ventilated with plenty of air flow and use a dehumidifier to lower the moisture content in the air.

3. Mold is Common After Leaks and Floods

Flood and water damage can lead to mold growth when water seeps into porous and organic materials, often causing structural damage. In addition, broken pipes can leak behind a wall and provide an excellent home for growth. Performing routine maintenance on your plumbing can reduce your risk in these situations. If the fungus does appear, calling a professional mold removal service is your best bet for removing it and replacing the damaged materials.

4. Mold Can Carry an Odor

In addition to being unsightly, mold often carries a strong musty odor. In some cases, you may smell the odor before even seeing the infestation if it is growing behind a wall or in other hidden areas of the office.
Never ignore mold growth if you suspect it. It can take over your building quickly and cause severe damage. Keeping the humidity low and routinely inspecting your building’s plumbing can help reduce your chances of developing a mold problem, and swift action can save you from costly repairs to find any growth.

3 Simple Ways to Prevent Flooding While You Are Gone on Vacation

3/27/2022 (Permalink)

Three Easy Ways to Keep Your Home from Flooding While You're Away

When you go on vacation, you should not have to worry about a thing. While many people will wonder periodically whether they forgot to turn off the stove, there is a much bigger problem to be concerned about: flooding. A broken pipe in Loveland, CO necessitates immediate water pipe repair, but if you will be gone for weeks, then water will continue to stand and accumulate more bacteria. Here are three easy things to take care of before you depart.

1. Empty Gutters

The purpose of gutters is to direct rainwater away from your actual home so that it does not flood the foundation. When the gutters accumulate too much debris, they can burst from the pressure. This causes water to go directly down the siding, which can peel paint and cause other problems. Before leaving, spend 30 minutes clearing out the gutters and downspouts.

2. Unplug Appliances

You do not want to risk dealing with a flooded dishwasher or washing machine when you are gone that requires immediate water pipe repair. Unplug and turn off these machines before you leave. If you will have someone coming over to check on your house while you are on vacation, then make sure to inform this guest about which appliances cannot be used.

3. Inspect the Outside of Your Property

If rain is on the forecast in your area, then you want to inspect the exterior of your home to see if there are any weak points rainwater could enter through. In the event you do find something, then you will want to hire a professional service to come out before you leave to address any problem spots. You also want to take the overall temperature into consideration while you are away. If it is going to get exceedingly cold in Loveland, CO, then you want to prevent the need for water pipe repair to fix frozen pipes.

How To Use a Fire Extinguisher Effectively

3/14/2022 (Permalink)

The PASS Technique

Are you familiar with proper fire extinguisher use in the event of a fire at your business in Loveland, CO? It may appear straightforward, but every second counts in an emergency and quick action may help stop the spread of the fire. By correctly using an extinguisher, you may also be able to prevent the need for a significant fire damage assessment after the event. The following steps illustrate the PASS technique (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep) for proper use of an extinguisher.

1. Pull

The first step is to pull the ring pin on the extinguisher, located near the lever. Removing the pin will break the seal and prepare the device for use. Look at an extinguisher in your building to see where the pin is located.

2. Aim

While holding the lever in one hand, point the fire extinguisher nozzle in the direction of the fire. Aiming towards the base of the fire, and not at the flames, will help cut off the fire from its source.

3. Squeeze

When you are ready to discharge the extinguisher contents, squeeze the lever. Hold on tight, as the contents may be expelled forcefully. Be sure to keep aiming at the fire’s source.

4. Sweep

Sweep the extinguisher from side to side while still pointing it at the source of the fire. Continue this motion until all of the extinguishing media is released or until the fire is completely out. Be sure to watch the area closely to ensure the fire does not re-ignite.

Keep in mind that a fire extinguisher should be used on small fires only. If the fire is large or if you feel incapable or uncomfortable handling it on your own, evacuate the building and call for help. Whether you are dealing with a small kitchen fire, utility room fire or a fire in a cigarette receptacle, being prepared to use an extinguisher may prevent serious property damage from occurring.

Business Insurance Is a Lifesaver When Recovering From Water Damage

3/6/2022 (Permalink)

Office, debris on carpet floor. Concept of water damage to an office building Water restoration services in Loveland, CO.

Three Reasons To Invest In Business Insurance

When saturation impacts commercial property, an owner may feel lost and exasperated trying to pick up the pieces. The premises are in danger of developing mold, rot and structural deterioration; thus, the exposure and lingering water damage demand prompt and methodical care to ensure the establishment in Loveland, CO, can reopen, free of hazards. Business insurance may be the lifeline needed to stay in operation and survive the repairs. 

1. Receive Necessary Financial Support

Proprietors may face complete building overhauls. Remediation includes tearing out walls and flooring, purifying the air and vent system and tending to the source of trouble. The entire space must be disinfected and dried. These tasks add up to thousands of dollars, which owners may not have immediate access to. Many insurance policies cover the harm broken pipes caused. Owners pay a deductible amount; insurance, then, fronts the cost for everything else (within the coverage range). Also, merchandise and electronics may be harmed. Personal loss coverage allows for a check to replace or salvage these items.

2. Secure Authorized, Certified Assistance

Water damage treatment isn't easy, and inadequate cleanup could lead to future complications and additional bills. The insurer insists on proper methods, including the hiring of a reputable, certified water remediation company. The experts hold IICRC credentials, national professional standards, which layout a framework for meticulous care. In addition, Commercial Drying Specialists investigate the impacted sections. These workers have taken additional classes to understand the best processes to dry and sanitize the space. They can organize an effective plan and determine which technology to use to air out the area.

3. Enjoy Backup Reviews

Water cleanup errors or missteps could permit mold to grow or structures to fail. The insurer looks over the bills, damages and estimates to see that all necessary steps occur. An extra set of eyes is supported to avoid more issues.
Business insurance policies alleviate tension from financial costs and massive restoration projects. Having it to help with water damage is an absolute must.

SERVPRO: Helping Your Clients Rebuild

2/27/2022 (Permalink)

Storm damaged a building, ceiling collapsed, insulation in the floor and ceiling tiles, furniture ruined Storm damage in Loveland, CO.

SERVPRO: Assisting Your Customers in Rebuilding

If you have clients in the Loveland, CO, area who are dealing with storm or flood damage, a storm restoration specialist can help, especially one as qualified as SERVPRO. Many of your clients may require restoration services following a disaster, and it is important to deal with a company that delivers not only quick response times but also corporate assistance with the claims process. However, response time and claims assistance are only a fraction of the services provided.

1. Mitigation

Fundamental storm response must include mitigation practices to ensure that your client’s claim is not hung up on a technicality. Through board up, fencing and tarping services, your client’s property is protected from worsening existing damage as well as trespassers, animals and weather, ensuring a successful claim.

2. Cleanout

Before storm restoration and loss assessments can begin, it is necessary to clean out the home, ensuring that all damage is visible and known. It is not enough to remove excess water from flooding; debris must be removed and separated into actual rubbish and damaged insured items so that loss can be documented properly.

3. Restoration

Once proof of loss has been documented and all assessments and estimates approved, then it is time to move forward with the restoration work. This work may be extensive, requiring demolition and reconstruction, but in the end, your clients can return to their repaired home.

4. Claims Information Center

Beyond the services offered to your client, it is essential that you have access to the progress of the work and the claim. For you to understand fully the work being proposed, you can access the Claims Information Center and review similar claims as well as the progress on your own.

Storm restoration is a necessary solution to the misfortune severe weather can bring, and while it is your job as an insurance agent to help your clients rebuild through funding, it is the job of restoration companies, like SERVPRO, to restore the physical structure and help make the claims process as speedy as possible.

Don’t Ignore Your Noisy Pipes

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment, trash can, clean floor after suffering from water damage A bursting pipe can cause serious damage in your property.

Your Noisy Pipes Shouldn't Be Ignored

If your home has noisy pipes, it’s more than a simple annoyance. Whistling or banging sounds can be an indication of issues that will need to be addressed before a pipe break occurs. In the event that a rupture does occur, what should you do? When your lines are making strange sounds in Loveland, CO, it’s important to understand the possible cause and correct any problems as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

Investigate the Source of the Noise

Different sounds are an indication of various maladies that could cause a pipe burst:

• Whistling, or squealing, is an indication that the water in the line is being forced through an obstacle or restricted opening. This could be caused by a loose screw, degraded washer or other component that needs to be repaired or replaced.

• Banging noises, also known as hammering, are caused by a sudden stoppage in water flow within the line. If your home has loose pipes, this may cause them to vibrate or bang against things, causing pipe break.

If you’re still unsure what could be causing the sounds you may be hearing, reach out to a licensed plumber for assistance.

What to Do When a Pipe Fails

Unfortunately, breakages occur from time to time. If you experience a ruptured pipe in your home, it’s important to contact a trusted professional to fix the broken pipe immediately in order to stop leakage. You’ll also need the services of reliable cleanup and restoration specialists who can address standing water before further structural damage can occur. Luckily, there are plenty of professional resources in Loveland, CO, that are just a phone call away.

Regardless of the age of your home, it’s important to investigate any noises that may be originating from your water lines so you can avoid potentially catastrophic pipe break and subsequent flooding. A little diligence and regular maintenance can help to save you stress, and cash, down the road.

You Fire Cleanup Should Include Electronics – Here’s Why

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

You and your family made it through the fire and most of your belongings look untouched. But unbeknownst to many homeowners in Loveland, CO, even materials that look undamaged can be impacted. This is especially true of electronics, which can be penetrated and permanently ruined. Still not convinced your fire cleanup efforts should include cleaning electronics? Learn exactly how smoke can impact your electronics.

How Smoke Causes Damage

Electronics are remarkably delicate and lots of things can impact how well they work. There are two main elements of fire that can impact electronics.

• Smoke damage - smoke penetrates deep crevices in electronics, making them prone to overheating and failure

• Soot - Pushed in by smoke, soot can form a layer in delicate electronics, interrupting circuits and causing malfunction
You know what about smoke causes the problems, but how do these things wreak havoc?


Soot is acidic, and acid and electronics never mix. When soot gets into wires and circuitry, it can corrode these delicate surfaces. The result is degraded components and a device that may soon fail.

Insulation Damage

Soot can also leave a film that coats the inside of electronics, forming a sort of insulation. This can result in overheating once you turn these devices back on after fire cleanup. Overheating leads to failure in the best case and can trigger a fire in the worst case.


Believe it or not, smoke has a magnetic charge. Magnets can short circuit electronics - something you might not realize until you’ve used your device a few times and find it stops working.
High heat and soot can be devastating to sensitive electronic devices, causing malfunction and even triggering new fires. The good news is that there are ways to salvage your electronics safely. Be sure to talk to your fire cleanup specialist about electronics cleanup to ensure you’ve covered all your bases after a fire.

The Types Of Equipment Used by Mold Remediation Specialists

1/29/2022 (Permalink)

Types of Safety Gear For Mold Remediation

Handling a small case of mildew or mold in your Loveland, CO, home might not seem like much of a reason to cover up in full-fledged protective gear. However, for the professionals in the business of mold damage and remediation, protective equipment is entirely essential. Here are some of the more common types of safety gear worn by specialists in the field, including everything from face masks to durable shoes.

Heavy-Duty Gloves

Coming into direct contact with mold or mildew can be hazardous, making a reliably safeguarded pair of gloves a necessity for mold cleanup. These gloves can be made from a variety of materials, such as:

  • Nitrile
  • Polyurethane
  • Neoprene
  • Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
  • Natural rubber

The type of gloves chosen should depend on the type of mold involved and the extent of the damage, though any pair should extend upwards from the hand along the forearm for maximum coverage.

Fully-Equipped Respirator Masks

There’s nothing more important than covering the face when dealing with mold, as airborne spores can be inhaled or absorbed quite easily. Face masks can range anywhere from minimal coverage using simple sealed goggles and a common N-95 respirator, to full-face respirators with strong HEPA filters for advanced protection.

Disposable Clothing

Extreme mold removal jobs generally require clothing that can be easily disposed of afterwards. Trained mold remediation technicians often go for full body suits and shoes made of protective yet breathable materials, sealing areas around the ankles and wrists for added measure. Respirator face masks and other durable head and foot coverings finish off the look for the ultimate protective shield against contact with mold.

The use of such intense precautionary gear goes to show just how harmful the effects of contact with mold can be. For this reason, it’s imperative that any mildew or mold found in your Loveland, CO, home is handled and removed by professionals with protective equipment that’s suited for the task.


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